Dr. Charles Loewe: Case 2
Anxiety from a family history of esophageal adenocarcinoma
This case involves a 68-year-old male patient with long-segment non-dysplastic Barrett’s esophagus and high anxiety stemming from the loss of his brother to esophageal adenocarcinoma.
“TissueCypher helped us to reassure [the patient] that he was making the right decision, lowered his anxiety, and gave him a high confidence level”

Clinical risk factors
A 68-year-old male patient with a 30-year history of GERD and high anxiety secondary to his brother who has esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) without having any prior symptoms of GERD.
Endoscopic findings
The endoscopy confirmed the presence of long-segment non-dysplasatic Barrett's esophagus by both traditional pathology and WATS3D.
Lower esophagus:
- BE segment: C3M3
- 2 cm hiatal hernia
- Non-dysplastic pathology
- WATS3D-confirmed NDBE
Traditional Management:
- Clinical profile: High risk due to family history
- Treatment recommendation: 1-year surveillance or Endoscopic Eradication Therapy (EET)

From top left to bottom left: Middle third of esophagus, Gastroesophageal junction, lower third of esophagus
TissueCypher results
Dr. Loewe and the patient were considering short interval surveillance or eradication therapy. The high-risk TissueCypher result tipped the scales in favor of proceeding to EET.
- Risk class: High
- Risk score: 6.4
- 5-year risk of progression: 12%
TissueCypher-guided management
- Change in management: Upstaged to EET

“TissueCypher helped us to reassure [the patient] that he was making the right decision, lowered his anxiety, and gave him a high confidence level.”
Charles Loewe, MD