
DecisionDx Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Helpful resources to learn more about DecisionDx-SCC

Hear from experts  learn more about improving risk assessment in DecisionDx-SCC patients.

Individualized risk information: An introduction to DecisionDx-SCC

  • Tumor biology matters

    DecisionDx-SCC is a genomic test that looks at the tumor biology of  squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the skin to better understand the risk of cancer spreading to other parts of body

Expert opinions on the treatment and management of squamous cell carcinoma.

  • Brent Moody, MD, FACP, FAAD, Dermatologist and Mohs Surgeon, Heritage Medical Associates              

    Learn how Mohs Surgeon Dr. Brent Moody utilizes DecisionDx-SCC for his high-risk SCC patients to clarify their cancer management and treatment plans.

  • David Cotter, MD, PhD, Dermatologist, Las Vegas Dermatology                                                                          

    Learn about what Dermatologist Dr. David Cotter finds most valuable about utilizing DecisionDx-SCC to personalize care for his high-risk SCC patients.

  • Philip Andrews, NP, Dermatology, Chattanooga Skin and Cancer Clinic

    Learn how Dermatology Nurse Practioner Philip Andrews utilizes DecisionDx-SCC to improve follow-up, referral and treatment recommendations for his high-risk SCC patients.

  • The DecisionDx-SCC test is a game changer”

    Phil Andrews, NP/PA