Dr. Charles Loewe: Case 3

Downstaging a female patient with elevated clinical risk

This is the case of a 60-year-old female patient with long-segment non-dysplastic Barrett’s esophagus and a complicated medical history including a tumor of the rectum. Dr. Loewe utilized a low-risk TissueCypher score to downstaging care.

“Now we have the ability with TissueCypher to allay the patient’s anxiety and reassure the physician that he is doing the right thing for the right patient.”

Endoscopic findings

The endoscopy confirmed the persistence of long-segment non-dysplastic Barrett’s esophagus.

Lower esophagus: 
  • BE segment: C7M9
  • 1.5 cm hiatal hernia​
  • Non-dysplastic pathology 
  • Concurrent acute  and chronic reflux esophagitis with  reactive epithelial atypia
Traditional Management: 
  • Clinical profile: High risk 
  • Treatment recommendation: 3-year surveillance

Endoscopy image from lower third of the esophagus showing salmon-colored mucosa and no visible lesions

From top left to top right: Barrett's esophagus, EGJ

TissueCypher results

Dr. Loewe leveraged a low-risk TissueCypher score and share decision making to extend the surveillance interval from 3 to 5 years for this patient.   

  • Risk class: Low
  • Risk score: 3.4
  • 5-year risk of progression2% 

TissueCypher-guided management

  • Change in management: Downstaged

“Now we have the ability with TissueCypher to allay the patient's anxiety and reassure the physician that he is doing the right thing for the right patient.”

Charles Loewe, MD