Patient Stories

Click to play "SLNB Surgical Procedures: Improving Patient Selection" video

SLNB Surgical Procedures: Improving Patient Selection

DecisionDx-Melanoma can guide the decision of whether to perform or forgo a sentinel lymph node biopsy.

Click to play "The Limitations of Traditional Approaches" video

The Limitations of Traditional Approaches

Using staging systems alone may miss patients with aggressive tumor biology. Listen in, to learn how DecisionDx-Melanoma addresses these limitations by improving prognostic accuracy.

Click to play "A Life Changing Prognosis of Uveal Melanoma: Kevin's Story" video

A life-changing prognosis of uveal melanoma: Kevin’s story

After being diagnosed with uveal (or ocular) melanoma, Kevin was directed to explore the benefits and indications of Castle Biosciences' DecisionDx-UM gene expression profile (GEP) test, which predicts a patient’s risk based upon their tumor’s own unique biology. The findings of the test, Kevin says, "were of huge importance to myself and my family. They put me at rest and we could all move on. The Castle's uveal melanoma prognostic platform can truly be life-changing."

Click to play "Katherina Alsina, PhD - Castle Biosciences Genomic Testing for Uveal Melanoma" video

AHNS DecisionDx–SCC Webinar: Identifying the Risk of Metastasis in cSCC and cSCC-HN Patients

Click to play "Katherina Alsina, PhD - Castle Biosciences Genomic Testing for Uveal Melanoma" video

Katherina Alsina, PhD - Castle Biosciences Genomic Testing for Uveal Melanoma