How it works
How Our DNA medication testing works
The one-size-fits-all approach to mental health treatment works for no one. IDgenetix is a comprehensive pharmacogenomics (PGx) test that provides personalized medication profiles, tailored to a patient’s unique DNA. The test accounts for more factors that can influence a patient’s response to medication than any other PGx test.
PGx testing helps to determine a person’s metabolic phenotype - how their genes will impact their metabolism of drugs. Some people have genes that cause them to metabolize medicine very rapidly. Individuals with gene mutations associated with rapid metabolism may require higher doses of a medicine for it to have the same effect as someone with a lower metabolism. They may also experience fewer side effects.
IDgenetix PGx test integrates an individual report based on:
Create personalized medication profiles
The IDgenetix test includes 127 medications and 26 drug classes in 10 disease indications. Bioinformatics algorithmic screening assesses and interprets complex factors to generate an easy-to-read report, personalized to the patient.
- 10 conditions profiled:
- ADHD, Anxiety, Arthritis, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Migraine, Musculoskeletal Pain, Neuropathic Pain, Psychosis, Seizure Disorder
- 26 drug classes
- 127 medications
- 15 genes
- 73 alleles
Clinically validated in depression and anxiety
In a randomized controlled trial (RCT), patients with depression and patients with anxiety whose doctors received IDgenetix testing guidance had a better chance of responding to medication and achieving remission.
Patients with severe depression who received IDgenetix-guided treatment:
- Were 2x more likely to respond to treatment
- Had 2.5x higher rates of remission
Patients with anxiety who received IDgenetix-guided treatment were more likely to respond to treatment.
Study design
Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT)
- 685 participants with depression and/or anxiety
- Double-blinded
- Treated by Psychiatrists, Internal Medicine, OBGYN, Family Medicine
- 20 independent clinical sites
- 4, 8 and 12-week efficacy using HAM-D